Privacy Policy   

Chic Couture. Sunshine ("we" or "us") operates an exclusive online boutique that offers premium fashion items and other select products for discerning women and men. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, and disclose information about you when you use our website or otherwise interact with us.

Information We Collect

We collect information about you when you visit our website, make a purchase, or otherwise interact with us. The types of information we may collect include:

Personal information: We may collect your name, email address, shipping address, phone number, and other information you provide to us.

Please note that we do not have access to your credit card number as payment processing is securely handled by Stripe, a San Francisco-based company that specializes in online payment processing.

How We Use Information

We only use the shipping information we collect for the sole purpose of fulfilling your order. We do not use your information for any other purposes, such as marketing or advertising.

Your Choices

You may update your personal information by logging into your account or contacting us.

Changes to this Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make material changes, we will notify you by posting a notice on our website prior to the effective date of the changes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at


Chic Couture. Sunshine(「我們」或「我們的」)經營著一個獨家的在線精品店,為女士和男士提供高級時尚物品和其他精選產品。本隱私政策描述了當您使用我們的網站或與我們互動時,我們如何收集、使用和披露有關您的信息。





請注意,如使用信用卡在線刷卡, 我們是無法知道您的信用卡卡號的原因是付款處理系統是由 Stripe 公司進行安全處理的,這是一家美國舊金山上市公司專門從事在線支付處理的。






如果您對本隱私政策有任何問題或疑慮,請通過 聯繫我們。